Sentinel Diagnostics is supporting World Cancer Day with a Screening Program.
World Cancer Day is a global event to raise awareness for prevention in order to diagnose cancer at its early stage and, as a diagnostics company, we know our role is crucial in guaranteeing fast and smart results.
For this reason, we would like to share with you some important data from the CRC Screening Program in the Netherlands, with which we have been working since 2013.
These data highlight the positive results achieved in the last year already reported, 2020: testing more than 1,5 million people has allowed to identify 13,999 cases of adenomas and were identified 2,319 cancers.
The positive predictive value, PPV, stands at 34.0%, with slightly higher percentages in people who participated in screening for the first time.
To underline the impact of this kind of program, there is a very impressive graphic of the CRC incidence and mortality per year with an obvious line of regrowth.
We hope that screening programs such as this will spread more and more among the sensitivity and awareness of people and Countries, to intensify the fight against cancer. Click to view the full Report.