STabilized Amplification Tecnology
STAT-NAT®, semplicità e rapidità nell’analisi degli acidi nucleici.
Saggi STAT-NAT® disponibili:
- Adenovirus
- HSV-1
- HSV-2
- HHV-6
- HHV-7
- HHV-8
- Parvo B19
- SARS-CoV-2**°
- PLURI**°
- Leishmania spp°
*Disponibile a breve ° Validato anche con SENTiNAT® MICRO
- Leishmania spp.
- Mycobacterium (MTBC & M.avium) – Disponibile a breve
- M. tuberculosis Drugs Resistance – Disponibile a breve
STAT-NAT® è l’innovativa linea di kit per la diagnostica molecolare stabile a temperatura ambiente e pronta all’uso.
STAT-NAT® is freeze-dried and guarantees long term storage at room temperature.
STAT-NAT® contains all the reaction components.
The enzyme (Hot Start Polymerase) is already included.
STAT-NAT® is a ready-to-use product that minimizes analytical variables.
STAT-NAT® technology yields very good performances in all the most diffused molecular biology techniques.
STAT-NAT® can improve test sensitivity even with low concentrated DNA samples.
STAT-NAT® needs neither cumbersome packaging
nor temperature controlled shipment.
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